Spring Outfit #2

Spring Look

Finally here I am, the last things in the suitcase and I’m ready to go, I had time to organize my trip before the end of the Carnival, by a hair! Now I can’t wait to already be in Venice and then in the Dolomites snow. When you’ll read this post I’ll be long gone, but do not worry, there is a scheduled post for Wednesday (you will love it!:-D), and I should also be able to connect… Today a precious and vernal look, a bit girly, white and pink, pink and white, with a hint of gold and… Find the link below! Now I run the Carnival festivities call me!

Happy Carnival to you!


Finalmente ci sono, le ultime cose in valigia e sono pronta per partire, sono riuscita ad organizzarmi prima della fine del Carnevale, per un pelo! Adesso non vedo l’ora di essere già a Venezia e poi sulla neve delle Dolomiti. Quando leggerete questo post sarò già partita da un pezzo, ma non preoccupatevi c’è in programma un post per mercoledì ( vi piacerà! 😀 )  e dovrei anche riuscire a connettermi… Oggi un look prezioso e primaverile, un po’ girly, bianco e rosa, rosa e bianco, con un pizzico d’oro e… Trovate i link qui sotto. Ora scappo le feste di Carnevale mi chiamano!!

Buon Carnevale a voi!


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37 thoughts on “Spring Outfit #2

  1. Adorable! Love the necklace.
    By the way: Currently I’m running a link-up on my blog: The topic is “Shorts” – maybe you have an outfit post featuring shorts and want to link yours here? >>Blog Link-Up

    Would love to see your link 🙂
    Rathana xx


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